vendredi 21 avril 2023

Pedagogy - andragogy - heutagogy to develop simultaneously maths skills, code skills and soft skills [apr 2023]

En vue d'affiner des recommandations d'utilisation de la méthode Maths2SoftSkills en travail de groupe, nous avons interrogé ChatGPT sur les notions d'andragogie et d'heutagogie [1], qui sont avancées dans  l'EdTetch.


What is andragogy ?

Andragogy is the theory and practice of adult education. It is based on the idea that adult learners have different needs, motivations, and learning styles than children, and that they learn best when the learning process is designed to meet those needs.

Andragogy was first developed by educator Malcolm Knowles in the 1960s, and it has since become an important area of study in the field of adult education. According to Knowles, adult learners are self-directed and motivated by the desire to solve real-world problems, and they learn best through active, experiential learning that is relevant to their lives and goals.

Andragogy is often contrasted with pedagogy, which is the theory and practice of teaching children. While pedagogy is often teacher-centered and focused on imparting knowledge to students, andragogy is more learner-centered and focused on engaging adult learners in the learning process and helping them take ownership of their own learning.

Do you mean that teacher-led equals pedagogy and student-led equals andragogy ?

No, that is not necessarily the case. Both pedagogy and andragogy can involve teacher-led and student-led approaches.

Pedagogy, which is the theory and practice of teaching children, typically involves a more structured and teacher-led approach to learning. This may include lecture-style teaching, direct instruction, and teacher-led activities and assessments.

Andragogy, on the other hand, is the theory and practice of adult education. It is typically more learner-centered and focused on engaging adult learners in the learning process. This may involve student-led activities, self-directed learning, and experiential learning opportunities.

However, it's important to note that both pedagogy and andragogy can include a range of teaching and learning strategies, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs and learning styles of the students. Ultimately, effective teaching and learning requires a balance of teacher-led and student-led approaches.

What is heutagogy ?

Heutagogy is a term coined by Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon in 2000 [2] to describe a self-determined and self-directed approach to learning. In contrast to pedagogy, which is teacher-directed and andragogy, which is learner-directed, heutagogy is focused on enabling learners to take control of their own learning process.

In a heutagogical approach, learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, including setting their own learning goals, designing their own learning plans, and evaluating their own progress. The role of the teacher is to act as a facilitator, providing guidance and support to help learners identify their own learning needs and develop the skills and strategies they need to achieve their goals.

Heutagogy is based on the idea that learning is a lifelong process that is most effective when learners are motivated, engaged, and empowered to take ownership of their own learning. It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to reflect on one's own learning and adapt to new situations and challenges.

Heutagogy is still a relatively new concept in education, and its effectiveness is still being studied and debated. However, it has the potential to transform traditional approaches to teaching and learning by empowering learners to take control of their own education and develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's rapidly changing world. 

In view to teaching math, programming, and soft skills simultaneously to students in grades 7-9, which approach would you choose between pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy ?

When teaching math, programming, and soft skills simultaneously to students in grades 7-9, a combination of pedagogy and andragogy would likely be most appropriate.

Pedagogy, which is the traditional approach to teaching, is well-suited for students in grades 7-9 as they are still in the developmental stage where they benefit from structured guidance and instruction. Pedagogy allows for direct instruction, clear explanations, and scaffolding to support students' learning of foundational concepts and skills in math and programming.

However, incorporating elements of andragogy, which focuses on learner-centered approaches, can enhance the teaching and learning experience. By incorporating opportunities for students to take ownership of their learning, engage in problem-solving activities, and collaborate with their peers, you can foster their autonomy, critical thinking, and creativity. This can be particularly effective when teaching soft skills, which often require personal exploration and application.

Heutagogy, which emphasizes self-directed learning, might be less suitable for students in grades 7-9, as they may still need significant guidance and support in acquiring foundational knowledge and skills. However, gradually introducing elements of self-directed learning and fostering metacognitive skills can help students become more autonomous learners over time.

In summary, a balanced approach that combines pedagogy and andragogy, with elements of heutagogy introduced gradually, can effectively teach math, programming, and soft skills to students in grades 7-9. This approach ensures that students receive the necessary guidance and instruction while also promoting their active engagement and development of higher-order thinking skills.



Authors : questions : Tru Do-Khac, responses : OpenAI (ChatGPT).
Date : april 18, 2023
Source :

[1] An heutagogy for upskilling / reskilling : the Enterprise Adventure Game, L'entreprise numérique créative [aug 2021]

[2]  From andragogy to heutagogy, Stewart Hase, Southern Cross University, Chris Kenyon, 2000, ePublication@SCU



This content is provided by OpenAI and Tru Do-Khac and is intended for educational or informational purposes only, and to not use it for any commercial purposes without proper licensing. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. For additional information : Sharing and publication policy, OpenAI.